Scott Solkoff’s Course Summary for Winning Life
To live as high a quality of life as possible in the face of aging and illness requires knowledge and resources. This course, rated among the most popular last session, offers actual take-away tools and knowledge that can save you big money, give you confidence, peace of mind and even laughter. With no selling of any services or products allowed, Delray Beach Florida Board Certified Attorney Scott Solkoff, author of bestselling books for lawyers on Elder Law, has put together a panel of top-notch professionals to pull back the curtain and reveal their top tips for succeeding in aging and caregiving.
All Classes are Tuesdays at 2:00 at the Ross JCC in Boynton Beach Florida:
October 18, 2012: Winning Life Course Overview: An Introduction for the Roadmap to Success in Aging and Caregiving: Scott Solkoff
October 25, 2012: Elder Law Estate Planning: It’s not just Wills & Trusts: Scott Solkoff
November 1, 2012: When a Loved One Needs Help: Planning for Peace and Success in Caregiving: David Levy
November 8, 2012: Talking to Your Doctor and Achieving Better Health: Stacey Shinder, M.D.
November 15, 2012: Planning for Costs & Quality of Care: Legal Protections for You and Your Savings – Part I: Scott Solkoff
November 22, 2012: Planning for Costs & Quality of Care: Legal Protections for You and Your Savings – Part 2: Scott Solkoff
November 29, 2012: Where Will I Live?: Learn how to live where you want for Independence and a Better Quality of Life, Panel to include: Ina Zimmerman, Barrington Terrace and Laurie Intondi, Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services
December 6, 2012: End of Life Planning: Part 1: Your Wishes Honored at End of Life (Hint: A Living Will is not enough): Dan Terner and Michelle Hollister
December 13, 2012: End of Life Planning Part 2: Getting Pre-Need Funeral Planning and Taking Care of Business (financial planning): Dan Terner, Phil Wishna & Paul Vattiato
December 20, 2012: Panel Discussion with “Winning Life” Instructors, including Q&A and roadmap to follow after course completion: All Instructors